Municipal Resolutions

The Ontario government repealed the Green Energy and Green Economy Act in 2019, which returned siting powers to municipal governments. Many municipalities in Ontario demanded these changes. In 2022, Wind Concerns Ontario  released a statement recommending that setbacks between homes and turbines be extended to 2 km. 

Local government may now enact their own zoning bylaws with regard to setback distances and noise limits. Municipalities are being told that they still cannot say No to a wind power project; this is false.

A Municipal Support Resolution is now mandatory for any new industrial wind power site to gain a contract with the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO).  

By repealing this act, we’re restoring planning decisions to municipalities that were stripped by previous government and ensuring local voices have the final say on energy projects in their communities.

Ontario Government

Mandatory Municipal Support

Effective September 1, 2024, there are 159 municipalities in Ontario that have passed a resolution stating they are an Unwilling Host to new industrial wind power sites.

Without changes to existing regulations for noise and setback, and with knowledge of Ontario’s problems with wind turbines, these municipalities believe they have no choice but to reject proposals.

See the list, here: Unwilling Hosts sept 6

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