Lake Superior. Montreal River Weather Radar Station, upper right corner. Foreground, ridge where wind turbines will be places for Bow Lake Wind Farm. Once again, we do not usually re-post from blogs but…

Lake Superior. Montreal River Weather Radar Station, upper right corner. Foreground, ridge where wind turbines will be places for Bow Lake Wind Farm. Once again, we do not usually re-post from blogs but…
The wind “farm” or, as we prefer it, wind power generation project, in Brinston Ontario, is the first wind power plant to have 3-megawatt turbines operating … but not for long. Many of…
Simulation of Big Thunder The news this morning, via Tom Adams of Tom Adams Energy, is that the Ontario Power Authority announced the termination of several Feed In Tariff contracts, among them…
We understand that Transport Canada has recognized the seriousness of the situation in Ontario as regards aviation safety and wind turbines being built around airports. A committee has been struck and is now…
Deadly wind farms give bats “the bends” study says Western Morning News, July 23, 2014 Bats suffer from an airborne version of the diver’s condition known as “the bends” when they fly too…
Yesterday, residents of Central Bruce and the Central Bruce Wind Action community group, filed a letter with the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and the Office of the Ombudsman of Ontario, regarding serious…
Country fair season is beginning and with it, opportunities for rural communities to make known their dissatisfaction with the Green Energy Act in Ontario, and the invasion of wind power developers. Yesterday, a…
Received by email today, a response to our letter of June 19.: Thank you for taking the time to share your kind words of congratulation. It is an honour and a privilege to…
Note the role that a property value guarantee played in the developer’s decision to take the path of least resistance (that’s because they CAN’T guarantee a drop in property value). Wind shifts focus…
Kirk Dickinson, July 6, 2014, Blackburn News Transport Canada has issued an order for the removal of eight wind turbines near the Chatham-Kent Municipal Airport by December 31, 2014. Chatham-Kent Mayor Randy Hope…
Toronto’s Exhibition Place Turbine Part 2: investment in a green future or financial sinkhole? In Part 1, Parker Gallant revealed that the mythology around the iconic Toronto waterfront wind turbine doesn’t hold up…