Conservation is a MUSH[y] subject in Ontario My recent article about “conservation” provided some detail on the presumed consumption of electricity in 2013 by the 4.6 million residential ratepayers in the province. The…

Conservation is a MUSH[y] subject in Ontario My recent article about “conservation” provided some detail on the presumed consumption of electricity in 2013 by the 4.6 million residential ratepayers in the province. The…
The Ontario government published a news release today in which it claimed it is helping communities “restore” the environment, and also that complaints to its “Spills Line” are being responded to and resolved.…
Ontario’s cleanest day: too bad it cost you The heading on Cold Air energy blogger Scott Luft‘s article read: “September 20th: Ontario electricity’s cleanest day in my lifetime.” He was talking about the…
A Liberal cost/benefit plan or, how to “plan” to spend $4.7 billion ratepayer dollars Give Energy Minister, Bob Chiarelli a nice pie (chart) and he will be happy. He gave his blessing to…
The September 10, 2014 press release from the Ontario didn’t quite put it the way this headline does, but if you look behind the PR slogan, “A New Era of Cleaner Air…
Wind turbine woes September 2014, Farmers Forum Farmers Forum surveyed a big chunk of Wolfe Island residents and found that 75 per cent approve of or are indifferent toward the 86 wind turbines…
John Miner, London Free Press, September 11, 2014 Ontario will miss a huge opportunity to create jobs and protect the environment if it doesn’t embrace building wind farms in the Great Lakes, an…
Here is a report from Loretta Shields on testimony given at the appeal of the HAF wind power project by Vineland Power (IPC Energy); the hearings began on Monday this week.…
Just prior to the 2011 Ontario election, the Dalton McGuinty government announced a “moratorium” on offshore wind development. It was widely thought this move was to stave off any criticism (and lost votes)…
Daffyd Roderick: the former writer for TIME now an apologist for Hydro One. The Toronto Star recently ran an article about the second quarter results for Toronto Hydro and Hydro One. Hydro One’s…