Loretta Shields, a member of Mothers Against Wind Turbines, presented at the appeal of the approval of the Niagara Region Wind Corporation wind power generation project yesterday, and outlined the many negative impacts on species at-risk, and environments such as woodlands that are supposed to be protected under Ontario legislation.
“There are so many issues,” Shields tells Wind Concerns Ontario. “For example, there is no evidence to show that winter raptor transects were conducted within the interior of the woodlands. Sixty-two permits are required by the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority. These are still pending. There are 20 industrial wind turbines proposed in Blanding’s turtle habitat in Lowbanks, all on private property. There are many properties within this habitat where ‘alternative investigations’ i.e., ‘roadside surveys’ were allowed. The MNR is allowing this to proceed.”
Shields had prepared a 32-slide PowerPoint presentation for the Environmental Review Tribunal, detailing sections of Ontario legislation that ought to be applied to protect the environment and wildlife, but are being overlooked or ignored in order to allow the power development to proceed.
Shields also told WCO she was grateful to learn about the “many birds and raptors” in the project area during her investigations and audit of the wind power developer’s application documents: “a silver lining” to this event, she said.
Details on the hearing dates may be found here.
Shields’ PowerPoint presentation may be found here: Powerpoint for NRWC Appeal Jan 26
More details on what happened at the hearing may be found in this excellent report from Mothers Against Wind Turbines here with information on how to donate to this legal action .

This aspect of the damage being done needs to be thoroughly exposed. Thanks to Loretta Shields!
In Huron County, K2 Wind has completely surrounded hundreds of acres of Heritage bush, along a river, near Lake Huron. This land is habitat to so many species. If these turbines are allowed to be turned on, can you imagine the devastation?
At least these ERTs have provided a means of recording the amount of environmental damage that can be done by IWT projects. Otherwise no one would ever know what is happening or what did happen in rural Ontario.
Thanks to Loretta for all the work she has done!