Wind farm noise study firm congratulated by acoustics professionals

New study explains why Ontario has gone from affordable electricity rates to among the highest in N America. Photo: Bloomberg
New study from Australia called ground-breaking and unique. Big Wind says it’s meaningless. As they would.

The wind turbine noise study completed by acoustics specialist Steven Cooper in Australia has had a resounding effect around the world: using a new methodology and working with the cooperation of the wind power company (who now is rushing to clarify it was not a “health” study), the results showing that wind “farm” neighbours are at greater risk for adverse health effects has been of great interest.
While the wind power industry has been denying the study’s relevance, news comes of congratulations from fellow acoustics professionals for Mr Cooper’s study.
We attach a copy of a letter of congratulations from another noise measurement firm in Australia, calling the Cooper study “a benchmark.” Use of the term “sensation” rather than noise, is “ground-breaking and unique,” writes Bob Thorne, PhD.
The letter may be read here: Thorne-B.-Cape-Bridgewater-study-NMS-congrats

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  • Sommer
    Posted January 29, 2015 7:22 pm 0Likes

    What is the proper protocol for forcing a moratorium on all projects in rural Ontario in light of this new study?

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