Thanks to the blog Stop These Things for posting testimony from Canada’s Dr Robert McMurtry, to the Senate Committee on Wind Turbines in Australia, in may.
Read the whole testimony here.
Thanks to the blog Stop These Things for posting testimony from Canada’s Dr Robert McMurtry, to the Senate Committee on Wind Turbines in Australia, in may.
Read the whole testimony here.
When I consider the compassion and dedication of Dr. McMurtry to the cause of victims and I couple that appreciation with the work of Dr. Tim Ball, who is steadily exposing the fraudulent rationale used for turning rural residents into victims in order to ‘save the planet’, I am confident that there will be a breakthrough soon.
It directly relates to this important article regarding legal rulings..
Henry Burton
This note describes a plausible mechanism for the generation of Annoyance from low frequency vibrations.
Annoyance is to be expected from wind turbines where there is a secondary vibration already present in the range 150-200 Hertz.
The energy pulses generated where turbine blades pass behind the supporting column often occur with 800ms spacing and if the observer is within a sensitive structure (e.g. car on rubber tyres or light building) then these pulses ‘fire’ the skin mechanoreceptors. Normally the sensation from this effect is slight as the corpuscles are at varying stages in their re-charging cycle. BUT
If the observer is also subjected to a second stimulus with a frequency similar to the regeneration period for the Pacinian corpuscles, then these will trend to a state where they fire in unison. The important elements are that the stimulus from the low frequency vibration should be of sufficient magnitude to cause firing and that the pulse interval for the secondary stimulus is sufficiently long for a significant number of Pacinian corpuscles to have recovered and then fire simultaneously.
This simultaneous discharge seems very likely to be the generator for ‘Annoyance from Low frequency Noise(LFN)’.
The main mysteries are:-
1. The variation in the magnitude of this Annoyance sensation as between observers, and
2. Why this possible or probable mechanism is not explained to LFN sufferers by practitioners offering analysis of low frequency noise/sound.
Note 1. Key papers in respect of repetitive firing of Pacinian corpuscles were published in 1959 by Werner R Loewenstein of the University of Chile (Journal of General Physiology, Sept 9 1957)
Note 2. The horizontal vibrations at my main annoyance site are from building collisions at 33 Hertz. These also generate vertical vibrations in the floors of the order of 180-200 Hertz.