Back on June 20, 2013, the Ontario Ministry of Energy under Bob Chiarelli put out a press release that listed “Quick Facts” including this one:
“Ontario’s Green Energy Act has attracted billions of dollars in private sector investments and created 31,000 jobs since 2009.”
On November 10, 2015 the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, Glen Murray tweeted that Ontario is a leader in clean technology. He included a blue chart asking, “Did You Know?” followed by a list of reasons why he claims we are leading. One of the answers to the question posed was: “Over 20,000 clean energy jobs have been created since 2009.”
So, 31,000 jobs were there in 2013 but in 2015, there are only 20,000 “clean energy” jobs? Does this mean that, despite the addition of thousands of megawatts of wind and solar generation since 2009 and the price of electricity rising by 76 percent,1. 11,000 clean energy jobs were lost!
Perhaps it is time for the Ontario Liberal government to recognize that adding renewable energy does nothing more than impact our cost of living in a negative way, does nothing to save the world from climate change, and—apparently—is even causing clean energy jobs to be lost.
Time to call in the Auditor General!
©Parker Gallant
November 12, 2015
The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent Wind Concerns Ontario policy.
- Reference: OEB Historical Electricity Prices.
Sign Randy Hillier’s petition to force the resignation of Chiarelli. Circulate it widely NOW.
Andre Lauzon
It confirms they, the Liberal gov’t, do not know what they are talking about.
Pat Cusack
I am totally not surprised!
Oh yes they do know what they’re talking about. It’s called outright fraud; billions of dollars stolen from Ontario taxpayers, activity enabled by the Ontario government and the green energy act thank you Dalton McGuinty.
Commenting on previous posting: “Who owns Ontario”:
The take over of the province will be completed before Ontario residents even realize the rug has been pulled out from under them. What currently goes on in Ontario; a small phase of an overall brilliant scam…Agenda 21?
CBC News, Jan.7, 2008
‘Federal report calls for carbon tax, trading in Canada’
Glenn Murray, Chair of the National Roundtable on the Environment and Economy, was appointed chair by PM Paul Martin.
Also known as NRTEE.
Greg Latiak
Truthiness… The numbers are made up on the spot and should not be construed as a statement of facts, whatever those are. They don’t care if we believe them or not… they are in power and we are not. And sadly, with some politicians — how do we tell they are lying? They are still breathing might be one answer.
OR: their lips are moving
Scott Luft
Parker, I think you’re being unfair.
It seems 11,000 of Chiapetti’s “Green Energy Act” created jobs were not Glen4naught’s “Clean Energy jobs”
Sounds plausible.
Their “green” is not “clean”.