Developer tells community to call them, not the government
Wind power developer Veresen held its third community liaison meeting for the St Columban project last evening. The meeting was “facilitated” by consulting firm Stantec.
Residents were able to ask questions of the company about the project, provided they were submitted by last Friday; the public was allowed to “observe.”
Noise complaints dominated the evening but the company’s response was that they are “in compliance” so no action will be taken. Residents from the nearby K2 project area attended the meeting and recounted problems with intrusive noise there.
Officials advised the community that noise complaints should be addressed to the company and not the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Spills Line.
The MOECC confirmed for Wind Concerns Ontario this morning that calls from that project should go to the Guelph district office at 1-800-265-8658. (Callers should provide their location, the time of the call, weather conditions at the time of the call, and their identity and contact information.)
A community member asked about the $32 million in liens on leaseholder properties and was told that these are legal matters and will not be discussed.

Speaking from my own experience, all complaints should be addressed to the MOECC as well as the developer and the local Medical officer of health. It helps to file your complaint via email as well requesting that the incident number be given to you in an email as well as verbally. When I was told one night when calling the MOECC that there were no records of my 60 some previous complaints, I began sending them in electronically for evidence purposes. An REA requires that the developer and the MOECC notify each other of any complaints that they receive. Just as a developer is suppose to notify the Feds under the Radiation Emmiting Devises Act (an FOI revealed that the developer had not done so) it is doubtful that there is communication between the developer to the government re any complaints. It is exhausting and easy to give up, but keep it up, and keep a record; you will need it!
Joseph Zanyk
it is sad that the wind developers are only measuring the audible noise which can be stressful. The infrasound low frequency noise which is not audible by people is more effective in causing discomfort without being recorded or recognized. The developers are being dishonest in telling people not to call the MOE or government department that needs to know..
David Libby
Send written complaints everywhere. And keep a copy for yourself. And backup copies.
Be sure to send to:
Health Canada
Ontario Ministry of Health
Ontario Ministry of Environment, your regional office and provincial office
Your local Public Health Unit
All of these are required to protect your health and rights. None of them are.