The remaining dates for the White Pines appeal in Prince Edward County was announced at the hearing in Toronto yesterday, December 15.
Final submission scheduled for January 5th.
Responding submission scheduled for January 15th.
Reply January 19th
Oral submission January 20th
The Tribunal also decided to allow themselves additional time to write the decision. They have adjourned the hearing to allow for an extension of the deadline from January 29 2016 to Feb. 19, 2016.
For more information on the power project and to donate to this legal action please go to the website for the Alliance to Protect Prince Edward County.
Thomson Reuters Board includes:
Ed Clark, fmr. TD Bank CEO
P.Thomas Jenkins, Board of TransAlta
Look up Thomson Reuters & Globe And Mail ownership.
UNEP News Centre, Apr.10, 2014
UNEP and Thomson Reuters to collaborate on Executive Perspectives on Sustainability.
“Website to offer perspective from world leaders; influential voices.”
CMD at COP 15
COP 15 – 15 December 2009
The Climate Leaders Summit
“The session focused on the policies that work to promote the renewable energies of today, and how they will expand technologies to fully de-carbonize tomorrow’s energy systems.”
Speakers included:
Gordon Campbell, B.C.
John Gerretson, Ontario Minister
The article can be viewed at the above website.
WikiLeaks, April 9, 2008, Cable
‘Ontario Environment Policy Unchanged, New Minister Brings New Strategy’
Re: John Gerretsen with Broten also mentioned.