Could it be, from his statement yesterday, Ontario Energy Minister Bob Chiarelli has resolved his ministry’s issues in dealing with the many rural communities in Ontario declaring themselves “Not a willing host” to huge wind power projects? What he said: “all levels of government must take the time to hear from experts, community and municipal leaders, aboriginal groups, business leaders and other impacted groups to ensure that all voices can be heard during the regulatory process.”
Unfortunately, no: that press release had nothing to do with the Green Energy Act (GEA).
It was related to interprovincial pipelines, a matter in which the province has limited influence.
The Minister’s statement also rambled on about “Economic prosperity and environmental sustainability” and “our shared obligation to future generations” without mentioning the mess created in his portfolio by himself and past ministers!
The statement about our “shared obligation to future generations” is particularly galling to those affected by the GEA, as it has resulted in 12 to 13% of all households in Ontario living in “energy poverty1.”. The Ontario Energy Board (OEB), controlled by the Ministry of Energy, reported over a year ago that 570,000 households now fit into that category. Those future generations have already arrived!
On the same day Minister Chiarelli issued his statement, the OEB issued a “scam” warning about the Ontario Electricity Support Program: “The OEB has received reports that individuals, claiming to be affiliated with the Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP), were calling to request access into consumers’ homes.”
The press release from the OEB went on to note: “OEB staff do not conduct a home audit, check furnaces or install equipment for this or any other program.” Of course, the OEB never did any of those things.
So now, the Ontario Liberal government, which is responsible for increasing electricity rates exceeding 10% annually, driving people into “energy poverty,” and creating a program to help those suffering from unaffordable electricity rates, has to warn us that we may be scammed!
Seems to this writer that the Wynne and McGuinty governments have been the cause of the scam from the start, and have refused to hear from “community and municipal leaders, aboriginal groups, business leaders and other impacted groups” on the issue of the environmental and economic impact of industrial-scale wind turbines being forced upon Ontario’s rural communities.
©Parker Gallant,
A disgruntled energy consumer
January 28, 2016
- Energy poverty is defined as spending of 10% of household income on electricity and heat.
The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent Wind Concerns Ontario policy.
Pat Cusack
What are the chances that those Math challenged people who designed the Green Energy project are now working on Ontario’s new pension plan? Would anyone dare predict that the published numbers will be achieved and how many more jobs will be driven out. Quebec has its own pension plan, does it provide what it is supposed to provide? Bernie
Bob Lyman
Just to be clear about the “environmental sustainability” of Canadian oil pipelines, between 2009 and 2014, 99.999 % of the crude oil and petroleum products transported by Canada’s federally regulated pipelines arrived safely. This is one of the best safety records of any pipeline system in the world.
The total volume of oil spilled from pipeline operations in Canada has been dropping significantly for the past forty years, even as the volumes of oil moved have increased. The Transportation Safety Board of Canada records all accidents (where a person is injured or a pipeline sustains damage) and incidents (any abnormality that requires precautionary action). In 2014, accidents and incidents combined resulted in eight releases of less than 1 cubic metre, eight releases of 1-25 cubic metrres, five releases of 25-1000 cubic metres, and one release of over 1000 cubic metres.
Pipeline companies are financially liable for the costs of cleaning up any spill that occurs and remediating the effects. Those are the facts.
These guys aren’t math challenged. They are deliberately spewing lies.
Chia pet continues to spew diarrhea of the mouth. Will somebody pu-lease shut him up before I vomit..again.
“Energy poverty”? Really, what is that supposed to mean? The causes of all poverty is insufficient income, not costs.
Parker Gallant
My research resulted in the following article. It might be worth your while to have a read.