New wind power contract announcement ignores rural, economic concerns

Contracts awarded over community objections

TORONTO, March 10, 2016 /CNW/ – Ontario’s announcement of contracts for five new wind power projects flies in the face of community concerns and advice about Ontario’s economy, says Wind Concerns Ontario. The Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) just announced 300 megawatts of new wind power generation when Ontario’s Auditor General says the province has a surplus of power, and is paying too much for renewables.
As of March 9, 62 Ontario municipalities had endorsed the Wainfleet Resolution, calling on the province not to issue any new wind power contracts, based on the Auditor General’s recent report.
Of the five new wind projects, four are in communities that did not support wind power.
“The Energy Minister told Ontario it was ‘virtually impossible’ for a contract to be awarded without municipal support,” said Wind Concerns Ontario president Jane Wilson. “Tell that to Dutton-Dunwich where the community said no via referendum, but they are getting turbines anyway.”
The new contracts provide 299.5 MW of new power generation at an average contract price of 8.59 cents; they will cost Ontario electricity users $1.3 billion over the 20 year life of the contracts, says Wind Concerns Ontario.
SOURCE Wind Concerns Ontario
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