April 6—
On Monday April 4, wind power developer WPD Canada began clearing trees for turbine sites for the White Pines project in southern Prince Edward County. This work began in areas known to be habitat for the endangered Blandings Turtle; the power developer is continuing even though there are reports that milder weather has resulted in the turtles emerging early from their winter hibernation, and are at great risk.
This clearing work is also taking place despite the recent decision by the Ontario Environmental Review Tribunal (ERT) to reverse the approval for the project on the grounds that it will cause serious and irreversible harm to the endangered Blandings Turtles. The ERT has not yet scheduled the next phase for the appeal process, which is hearings on remedy to the situation for the wildlife.
Until the Tribunal has reached a final decision, the power developer cannot have full approval to proceed with this project.
Please see the aerial photos provided by the Alliance to Protect Prince Edward County (APPEC). APPEC will have a report shortly.
For more information on the legal fight, go to www.savethesouthshore.org
Pat Cusack
How dare they?!
Parker Gallant
One would assume WPD’s legal counsel, Patrick Duffy a partner in Stikeman Elliott, would have provided his legal advice and opinion to WPD on the question as to whether they should proceed. He is obviously confident the mitigation hearing will bless whatever is proposed. He seems to believe the GEA was written in such a way that fighting a REA and actually winning is a one in a million shot. What that suggests is that Wynne with her Masters in Art and Masters in Education degrees appears to be a believer that she has a Masters in Everything and we are simply to be trodden on. Don’t count on it Mr. Duffy or Premier Wynne. We will continue the fight!
Richard Mann
Where are all the environment, bird and nature groups?
How long until local folks stand in front of the bulldozers and stop this insanity?
Les Stanfield
Everything that was predicted in the expert testimony is proving to be accurate. Notice the ruts in the photo. This will permanently impact the drainage and waterflows in this area. It is shallow soil over limestone. The ruts will permanently alter flows,which will impact wetlands and terrestrial habitat and the animals and birds that use it. Using heavy equipment in limestone plains is not like using it anywhere else. It will effect the habitat and biota especially Blandings turtles that use this area. This was described at the ERT and ignored. Altered drainage- altered waterbodies-altererd habitat. This will be permanent, not repearable as the tribunal wishes it to be. But he tribunal chooses to ignore it.
Soil compaction issues are very important.
There may be some photos showing parts of the old Oregon Trail in the western U.S. that are still visible and that’s well over a hundred years now.
Google: Images for Oregon trail rut.
Plenty of information and photos on the Oregon Trail ruts. Still very visible now in many places.
Canada’s Historic Places
Fort Qu’Appelle – Touchwood Hills Trail, Saskatchewan
C. 1879-1909
Site has remnant wheel ruts and undisturbed native prairie.
More photos on the internet.
Touchwood Hills Post Provincial Park
Post was built in 1879. Park has a segment of the remains of the Carlton Trail.
Fort Carlton Provincial Park
Fort Carlton operated 1810-1885.
Park contains part of the original Carlton Trail where Red River cart ruts are still visible.
Information on the Red River carts and loads are online. Parts of the Carlton Trail are still visible across western Canada.
Comparable to the U.S. Oregon Trail where ruts are still visible.
Remind me — who won the ERT?
Oh yes, it was the citizen group, working to protect the environment. Even when they successfully do the government’s job for them, irreversible damage is permitted.
How much did WPD bribe, oh no ( participated in the “democratic process” ) with the Liberals? $140.000 dollars?
Little ol' me
Stand infront of the bulldozers? It will take that plus much more to stop this bullshit.
We need to take action to stop this; merely reporting and commenting obviously is not working.
I suggested to start with a protest at Queen’s Park; there was no support for that.
A sense of entitlement gets one nothing.
News: Ontario investigating mining on the moon! Sure, destroy Ontario and move on. It will be interesting to see who has interests in this endeavor..and with whose money.
Ontario will get everything they deserve..for the activities, corruption and illegal activities executed by the government and renewable energy companies; and to those, the people of Ontario who remain ignorant, and did nothing to stop it.
Unfortunately it is the good people of Prince Edward County and other non willing hosts who lose, big time.
For those who survive this assault on Ontario, grab a condo in Toronto..that is if you can afford it.
Also, wrap your head around this: destroy the natural environment of Ontario then create simulated natural environments in the playgrounds!
I am angry, pissed off and will not pretend to feel any different, as the government would like to see.
Am I expected to shut up and bend over? Are you kidding?? I don’t see Kathleen or Justin taking the lead…
I’m almost there: creating my own little bubble, shutting out the world, to live the remaining years of my life away from this pathetic mess of society that exhibits an unacceptable standard of low ethics and values; people who chase the almighty dollar. I feel sorry for these people.. They won’t figure it out: Money doesn’t buy happiness and you can’t take it with you.
Lord have mercy.
I can fully relate to your anger. I feel it too. It is sickening to read about this happening considering the enormous effort made to prevent it.
Our Huron County community has been seriously harmed by these turbines and their infrastructure. So many innocent people’s lives have been disrupted. These are good people.The distress is real.
It is absolutely disillusioning to witness such a lack of ethics from our paid and elected leaders. The dysfunctionality this government has demonstrated is beyond anything I’ve ever seen in Ontario.
I hope you will direct your rage toward participation in some sort of highly effective strategy to stop this madness. There’s a great team of people in the Prince Edward County community to work with.
This story needs to be made highly visible.
I can fully relate to your anger. I feel it too. It is sickening to read about this happening considering the enormous effort made to prevent it.
Our Huron County community has been seriously harmed by these turbines and their infrastructure. So many innocent people’s lives have been disrupted. These are good people.The distress is real.
It is absolutely disillusioning to witness such a lack of ethics from our paid and elected leaders. This government has demonstrated that is dysfunctional beyond anything I’ve ever seen in Ontario.
I hope you will direct your rage toward participation in some sort of highly effective strategy to stop this madness. There’s a great team of people in the Prince Edward County community to work with.
This story needs to be made highly visible.
You would think that after all the revealing media reporting across the board the “Citiots” would have picked up on how the Wind industry in collusion with the Maguinty and Wynne Liberal governments have bazooed them into believing the Green Wash. Instead they, (City folk who voted Wynne-In) step up with their jars of Vaseline and bend over believing that this fraud is for “Future Generations” when in fact the only thing it is generating is Provincial and National debt on a scale that Future Generations will be paying for and asking . . “What the hell were they thinking?”. Thank God I will be dead by the time this piece of heaven is turned into a parking lot with fees going to a Multi National Offshore Corporation. As far as I see, Wynnetario’s financial flatulence is causing a stink I cannot stand! When the hell are we going to fight back . . . Hey Ontario . . . WAKE UP, you are being RAPED! Oh . . . I get it, y’all don’t care. Feels too good. Too bad! “If a Blandings turtle is squashed in Prince Edward County and no one in Toronto, Ottawa hears it , does it make a sound?
Corporations and Governments are out of control! It’s soon becoming time to take the law into our own hands! There is no talking to a dictators!!
The Star, March 1, 2016
‘High profile leaders join initiative to turn Canada’s economy green’
Smart Prosperity launched in Vancouver with boost from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
smart prosperity
Also see: Our Funders
Names are the same people and/or organizations time and time again.
I honestly believe there will be violence if this total lack of respect for County citizen’s rights continues! We need to get rid of Wynne, she is dangerous!
Little ol' me
Yes Wynne needs to go. In this day and age I don’t expect violence to ensue in Ontario over this business.