Safety expert says wind power developer’s comparison to Pincher Creek Alberta “not valid”—turbines there are half the size proposed for Collingwood area, May 31, 2016 An aviation safety expert says the location…

Safety expert says wind power developer’s comparison to Pincher Creek Alberta “not valid”—turbines there are half the size proposed for Collingwood area, May 31, 2016 An aviation safety expert says the location…
The Ontario Liberal government claimed that concern about the impact on water quality was behind its decision to cancel wind power projects in the Great Lakes, not lost Liberal votes. The trouble is,…
Municipalities vote for more say in wind power locations May 25, 2016 Hard as it is to believe, with electricity bills soaring, hydro and nuclear power being wasted, and Ontario’s surplus power being…
Wind farms will disappear, says the wind power lobby Map of six wind power sites run by one company in Poland, CERAC Reuters, May 23, 2016 Poland has adopted a new law banning…
No one is forced to have wind turbines on their land; communities shouldn’t be, either. Ontario Farmer, May 17, 2016 By Jane Wilson and Warren Howard Recently, a Mitchell, Ont. resident wrote to…
The Unifor wind turbine towers over a neighbourhood of 200 homes in Port Elgin. It would be illegal today. So far, the union has defied mandatory noise testing requirements, and ignored citizen concerns…
The end of Ontario’s lifetime of economic progress… The Financial Post, May 17, 2016 To get an idea of what Ontario could look like a couple of decades out under Liberal energy minister…
Ontario continues its buy-high, sell-low policy for electricity by wasting cheap hydro in favour of expensive, intermittent wind. And the government is contracting for more, says Parker Gallant. Ontario Power Generation or OPG…
Cameron McWilliam sets the record straight on why Dutton Dunwich residents didn’t deserve a wind power contract … and why another community should not be responsible for that happening. London Free Press, May…
More than one ‘tough guy’ needed to restore democracy in Ontario, Wind Concerns Ontario president says. We all need to be in this fight. Responding to an opinion by farmer Ian Cummings in the…
Wind turbines are not just an eyesore in Ontario says retired engineer Jim McPherson, they are responsible for unreasonable increases in electricity bills, affecting quality of life and business competitiveness. An excerpt follows:…