More Ontario municipalities demand final say in wind power sites: more than 100 stand up to Wynne government

Ontario municipalities want local land-use planning control back
Ontario municipalities want local land-use planning control back

September 11, 2016
Now 111 municipalities in Ontario have either passed or formally endorsed a resolution at Council, demanding that municipal support be a mandatory requirement for contracts in the Wynne government’s next round of Large Renewable Procurement.
The municipalities include several urban municipalities with rural components including Ottawa, Hamilton, and Stratford.
“That number, 111, represents more than a quarter of all Ontario municipalities,” says Wind Concerns Ontario president Jane Wilson.
“They believe that they are the best judge of where important infrastructure should be sited, and that they are the voice of their community concerns about where power generation projects are located. Development is only sustainable and appropriate where there is community support — and as we are seeing, many rural communities don’t support the government’s policy of forcing these power facilities on people, and the environment.”
Local land-use planning for developments such as wind and solar power generation facilities was removed by the Green Energy Act in 2009.
Despite a surplus of power in Ontario, the cost of long-term contracts for renewable sources of power,  and province-wide protests about Ontario’s rising electricity bills, which have forced several hundred thousand residents into “energy poverty,” the Wynne government still plans to launch a new procurement process in 2017. The deadline for corporate wind power developers to file a request for qualification with the IESO was Thursday, September 8th.
Energy analyst Tom Adams told Global TV news last week that the government needs to cancel contracts where it can, and cancel the planned Large Renewable Procurement (LRP II).

What's your reaction?


  • notinduttondunwich
    Posted September 11, 2016 2:24 pm 0Likes

    I would like to thank all the hard working members of the DDOWT team…. hard to ignore an 84% of the population here in DD!!! Premier Wynnd and her buddies at the OEB & IESO had better pay close attention to this little area of the map…. NO MEAN NO there Ole Katty Wynnd just like your new sex education ciriculum ….. respect the NO MEANS NO!!!!
    IESO…. pay close attention!!!!
    OEB……. pay close attention!!!!
    NO MEAN NO!!!!!

  • notinduttondunwich
    Posted September 11, 2016 2:54 pm 0Likes
    Excellent article….
    should be retitled ” the killingfields”

  • T3
    Posted September 12, 2016 10:23 pm 0Likes

    Yes it is a good article.
    Hiwever, I have a question: It is estimated that approximately 20-25% of people living near industrial wind turbines suffer adverse health effects. Why is this not mentioned at all? Why is human health disregarded?
    I have cost our health care system thousands of dollars since the development of iwts at my home. Prior to that I was a relatively healthy middle aged woman. I am no longer able to teach school. I am living with an inoperable brain anneurism detected when I had a stroke.that is just one of many health problems I continue to live with. I have had shingles on my face for two years.
    People in my rural community have died since the turbines have been built. Illness includes stroke, heart attack, diabetes, and suicide. This is serious stuff folks.
    The lack of values and ethics for mankind is appalling to me.
    The high cost of hydro is the least of my problems.
    ..very, very shameful.
    The people who voted for the Liberals seem to be the ones who are squawking about cost of
    What has this world come to..

    • Barbara
      Posted September 13, 2016 10:35 am 0Likes

      Look at all the articles published on IWTs and you rarely see anything about the health effects of IWTs. So the public is never properly informed about IWTs.
      Take for example “renewable is doable”. The risks involved in depending on renewables for power is not considered.
      Go online and there is information on the damage that can be done to renewable projects by weather related events. And there is no way weather events can be predicted.
      Wind patters can change over geographic areas which result in lowered IWT production.
      Has any of this kind of information been brought up at QP? Are MPPS afraid to bring up these issues? These are major risk factors that the public needs to know about. The province is at risk in depending on renewables.
      If individuals want to have solar, that’s their risk and they should inform themselves about the risks involved. Can they afford to have $50- $100 K torn up by wind and hail?
      Ontarians should get real about the risks involved in renewable energy!
      It’s not only the cost but the risk.!

    • Sommer
      Posted September 14, 2016 1:13 pm 0Likes

      I wonder if anyone has done a coroners investigation in the communities where IWT’s have been operating in Ontario. Within a 3 km radius of my home there were four sudden deaths within months of the turbines being turned on. One was from an aneurism, one a massive heart attack in a middle aged man, two were suicides.
      Yes…this is serious and yet so few will address this aspect of the industrial wind turbine disaster.

      • notinduttondunwich
        Posted September 14, 2016 5:31 pm 0Likes

        Sommer those numbers are staggering! ! Trying to prove a corilation between adverse health effects and IWT seems impossible…. I think of all the wildlife theses monstrosities butcher and we’re not going to be too far behind it…. cortisol testing seems plausible but they will just blame high stress levels on your hydro bill not IWTS!!!!!

  • notinduttondunwich
    Posted September 13, 2016 5:42 pm 0Likes

    Can you even buy insurance for something like that? ??

    • Barbara
      Posted September 13, 2016 7:41 pm 0Likes

      Guess that you can buy insurance for just about everything but at what price?
      If you borrow money to buy something and that something gets wrecked, you still own the money to the lender. Insurance may not cover all of the loss. So you still owe the difference between amount borrowed and what the insurance pays you.

  • Barbara
    Posted September 13, 2016 9:16 pm 0Likes

    environmental LEADER, Fort Collins, Colorado
    Environmental & Energy Management News
    ‘Columnists: Dianne Saxe’
    Just a bit of information.

  • Barbara
    Posted September 15, 2016 3:16 pm 0Likes

    The party that owns a conference centre in the Toronto area owns a nearly 10,000 panel ground mounted solar panel farm in Vermont. Also on the Board of the RMI, Colorado.

  • Barbara
    Posted September 15, 2016 8:22 pm 0Likes

    Green Energy Times, August, 2014
    ‘Solar Farms Continue to Sprout Up in Vermont’
    “This year has brought new solar farms to Vermont.”
    Note sales pitch to farmers.

  • Barbara
    Posted September 15, 2016 10:18 pm 0Likes

    See News, Sept.12, 2016
    Business news and intelligence for the renewable energy sector.
    ‘California wildfires hurt solar revenues in peak generation season’
    A 1% loss in solar power generation in a month of peak production could lead to more than USD 940,000 of lost revenue in Kern County based on price of USD 150 per MWh.

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