An Open Letter to the newly appointed Ontario Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, the Honourable Chris Ballard. “You have work to do”
To the Honourable Chris Ballard
Minister of the Environment and Climate Change
Queen’s Park, Toronto
Welcome to your new position as Minister of the Environment and Climate Change.
Unfortunately, Minister Glen Murray has left you an extensive list of action items requiring your immediate follow-up. We highlight the key issues for you in the following list, related to Ontario’s energy policy and wind power projects.
White Pines – Withdraw the Renewable Energy Approval for this project as developer wpd cannot meet the terms of their contract. There are significant environmental concerns with this project that remain, even after a successful appeal by citizens before the Environmental Review Tribunal.
Amherst Island – Rescind Renewable Energy Approval for this project which is planned for the tiny island heritage community. Significant environmental risks are present including the serious impact on migrating birds that congregate in this area; Ontario does not need the power from this project.
Saugeen Shores – The single wind turbine at the Unifor educational facility has been fraught with problems and engendered hundreds of complaints about excessive noise. This turbine would not be allowed under present regulations. You can immediately address the failure to meet a June 30 deadline for submission of a compliance audit report.
K2 Wind – This is another wind power project, a large one, with many problems in its relatively short history. You can deliver on Minister Glen Murray’s mid-May commitment to Black family, and others, to provide a solution to wind turbines that MOECC testing indicated were not compliant with Ontario regulations to protect the environment and health.
Address Concerns Raised at Request of Minister Murray – Many people across Ontario took Minister Murray at his word when he said that there were no complaints reaching his office and that he would ensure his officials responded quickly to address the issues. They wrote to him and are still waiting for action on their issues.
Complaint Tracking Process – Complaint records released to WCO in response to an FOI request indicate that the MOECC does not respond to most complaints about wind turbine noise. These complaints should be a source of learning for the Ministry rather than being ignored as currently appears to be the case. A full revision of the process is needed to ensure that complaints are actually resolved with procedures that allow the Minister’s office to track resolution. MOECC records indicate little or no resolution of more than 3,100 formal Pollution Reports made by Ontario citizens between 2006 and 2014.
REA Approval Process – Increase setbacks from residences to reflect learning from MOECC complaint records that include staff reports that confirm that current regulations are not sufficient to protect health of residents living in wind projects. Last week, the Supreme Court set out standards for consultations with communities which are substantially more rigorous that the standards used for Ontario Renewable Energy Projects.
MOECC Noise Modeling Procedures – implement new noise modeling procedures based on MOECC internal testing that demonstrates wind turbines routinely exceed predicted levels.
Otter Creek – Retract decision to deem this application “complete” for the Renewable Energy Approval process. The proponent is unable to provide noise emission data for the turbine equipment proposed. The noise report submitted with the application for a REA is not grounded in fact but rather is estimates based estimates. Also, a full MOECC investigation of the impact on well water is required.
LRP I Contracts – suspend REA process for remaining LRP I projects until full review of requirements based on internal complaint records is completed.
Noise Compliance Audit Protocol – Expand the wind speeds covered under the protocol to include wind speeds below 4 metres/second which are the source of a substantial portion of complaints about excessive noise. Even MOECC testing shows these wind speeds are the source of noise levels exceeding 40 dB(A), which completely undercuts the credibility of this audit process.
REA Enforcement – REA terms make the project operator responsible for addressing the concerns raised in each complaint to ensure that it does not recur. The MOECC needs to follow up on all operating with projects to ensure compliance with these terms and take action where it is not occurring.
Shadow Flicker – The flickering shadows produced when a turbine is positioned between the rising or setting sun is a major irritant for residents. It is not considered in the REA approvals and is easy to address by turning off the turbine for the times when it is casting moving shadows on a house. In some projects, these changes have been implemented by the wind company but in other MOECC staff is telling residents no action is required, even though the REA requires the wind company to address complaints like these.
Infrasound – Expand MOECC testing to include the full range of noise emissions from wind turbines as independent testing shows the presence of elevated levels of infrasound in homes where residents have had to leave to protect their health.
Health Studies – The Ministry has been telling residents that its policy is based on the “best science” available since the first turbine projects were built. MOECC records clearly show that this is not correct, but the Ministry continues to be willfully blind to input from both residents and its own staff, quoting dated and selective literature reviews in a field where the science is rapidly evolving. The need for noise studies and other investigation has been highlighted in numerous reports but never undertaken. It is time for some serious field studies of the problems being caused by wind turbine projects in rural communities across Ontario. This was an information gap identified in 2010 by the Chief Medical Officer of Health.
Last, it is important that as you prepare for this major portfolio, you understand that industrial-scale wind power generation offers no significant benefit to the environment.
Wind power generation on this scale is a high-impact development for little benefit, if any. Two Auditors General for Ontario recommended that Ontario undertake a cost-benefit and/or impact analysis — that has never been done.
We ask you to approach this issue with honesty and honour, and respect the wishes of the citizens of rural Ontario.
Jane Wilson
Wind Concerns Ontario
Wind Concerns Ontario is a coalition of community groups, individuals and families concerned about the impact of industrial-scale wind power development on Ontario’s economy, the natural environment, and human health.
One more thing that the new Minister needs to be aware of is the information in this recently published article:
The legal risk that this government has taken in their refusal to acknowledge the harm from low frequency noise is absolutely unacceptable. People have reported cardiovascular episodes, immune system suppression as well as neurological and psychological harm. Innocent men, women and children have suffered/are suffering. Being forced to leave one’s home must stop. The turbines harming people need too be turned off.
Following M. Alves – Pereira since April of 2012, selling my toxic wind turbine infected house, free from the incessant emissions, radiation, turbulence, finally getting restorative sleep, I pray that my body will rebuild new tissue over the next few years to restore hearing, balance and the other lost functions.
UN Environment
UNEP Newscentre, Sept.18, 2014
‘World’s Leading Institutional Investors Managing $24 Trillion Call for Carbon Pricing, Ambitious Global Climate Deal’
See: About
UNPRI/UN Principles for Responsible Investing is included in this article.
Look behind the scenes.
People everywhere are becoming aware and seeing through this agenda and the climate change alarmist propaganda it was based on. Stay on the ‘leading edge’ so that you can see signs of the implosion.
Check out the comments in all 3 major newspapers regarding Minister Murray’s quitting yesterday. Comments are more truthful than the article. We all saw what happened at Queen’s Park on the last day of the last session. Everyone who knows what has been happening could see clearly that the Global News clip of the Minister’s response was an attempt to cover-up the reality. We know that the FOI has exposed negligence and bungling that has prolonged the harm to innocent people in rural Ontario. And now the damage to well water issue is looming as well.
The list of complicit players in this abuse and neglect is long. You’re right Barbara, it goes back to UNEP and the United Nations Agenda 21/30.
The production of the UNEP FI Canada Roadmap (2017) had cooperation from inside Canada.
And the production of the U.S. UNEP FI Roadmap (2016) had cooperation from inside the U.S.
For general information
UN News Centre, 14 June 2012
Rio + 20: Feature: Seven Issues, Seven Experts – Energy
Re: Energy & Sustainable Development
Interview with Timothy Wirth
Read at:
offshoreWind. biz, July 12, 2017
‘Banking Heavyweights Back Climate Transparency’
Follow the money.
Should be:
Pacific Standard, July 25, 2016
‘Could Giant Suction Cups Turn Lake Erie Into A Regional Energy Hub?’
“The Icebreaker project represents a major innovation in offshore wind farming.”
Read at:
For General Information
U.S. House Press Release, May 27, 2016
Rep. Kaptur, Ohio, Press Release
“Cleveland’s Wind Project Upgraded, Qualifies For $40 Million In Additional Funds For Construction Phase Of Wind Turbines”
Read at:
For general information
Press Release, Aug.2, 2017
Re: Offshore wind turbines in Lake Erie and the Great Lakes.
Read at:
For general information
U.S. DOE, Sept.9, 2016
“Energy Secretary Moniz And Interior Secretary Jewell Announce New National Offshore Wind Strategy To Drive Development’
Scroll down to: “Today’s strategy builds on DOE and DOI’s first offshore wind strategy, published in 2011.”
Article includes LEEDCo, Ohio.
For General information
Letter of support, April 26, 2016, Washington, D.C.
Re: Advancing the LEEDCO Icebreaker Project from alternate to finalist.
Letter includes the signers.
Download the Letter
Press Release, December 12, 2012
Re: LEEDCo offshore wind project funding.
More information online on the LEEDCo offshore wind project.
Toledo Blade, August 21, 2008
Scroll way down to:
“U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D. Toledo) spent Tuesday evening and yesterday at the Erie Shores Wind Farm in southern Ontario with officials from …”
Official were from the U.S.
For general information
NREL/National Renewable Energy Laboratory, U.S., Sept., 2010
‘Large-Scale Offshore Wind Power in the United States’, 215 + pages
Assessment Of opportunities And Barriers
Re: Great Lakes wind energy that includes Canadian content.
Note the references used to prepare this Report.
GreenTechsSupportNews From IESSGK
[Green Business]
Tue. Feb.9, 2010
‘Canadian group picks Vestas for windpark’
Scroll down about 2/3 of the page.
Developing Trillium’s four offshore wind sites will require private sector investment of $14.8 billion over a 10-12 year period.
Canada page has news articles about offshore wind in Canada.
For example:
‘Ontarian’s Support Offshore Wind’, Nov.28, 2016
Poll result: 52 % support for offshore wind.
Canada articles at:
Also click on: Regional News > select Americas Section at ‘’ for more news articles. Includes Canadian information as well.
For general information
Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
‘Offshore Wind Projects’, Fiscal Years 2006-2016
Has a list of projects and amount of funding. Includes Ohio funding.
Office of EERE: Wind Energy Technologies Office
‘AWEA and DOE Collaborate On Offshore Wind Recommended Practices’, Oct.1, 2012
Read at:
For general information
DOE: Office of EERE
‘Bats Offshore ?: Energy Department Research Study Shows Where and When’, Oct.24, 2016
“The multiyear study, funded by the Energy Department and conducted by environmental consulting and engineering firm Stantec, was the most extensive study on bat activity offshore conducted to date.”
There is a link to the study at the end of this article.
For general information
Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy/EERE
‘3 Ways Energy Department Research Will Help Eagles Coexist with Wind Energy Deployment’, Nov.30, 2016
“More than $3 million has been allocated across six teams …”
Environment and Climate Change Canada
‘U.S. – Canada Clean Energy Dialogue’
Est. Feb., 2009
Re: CED Secretariat and U.S. DOE
Scroll down to: Reports section for information.
‘Financial Institutions Taking Action On Climate Change’, c.2014/15, 36 pages.
‘A report on how climate leadership is emerging in the finance sector – and on how public and private actors need to work together to grow leadership into a new normal.”
More at:
UN Environment
UNEP PSI / Principles For Sustainable Insurance
UNEP News Centre
Press release: June 19, 2013
‘Principles for Sustainable Insurance create largest collaboration between UN and insurance industry’
“The Principles were developed by the United Nations Environment Programme’s Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) through a six year global process.”
Six years from above date should be about 2006/07.
UNEP FI-PSI, Geneva, Switzerland
Signatory Companies
Supporting Institutions
For general information ?
Generation Foundation
‘Building a long-term shareholder base: Assessing The Potential of Loyalty-Driven Securities’, 2013, 36 pages
Fiduciary Duty
Fiduciary Duty In the 21st Century
Re: The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
“The six Principles were developed by investors and supported by the UN. They have more than 1,500 signatories from 48 countries representing US $62 trillion of assets.”
Partner organisations:
Generation Foundation
PRI/ Principles for responsible Investments
Founding Signatories list.
* Denotes drafting signatories, includes Canada
PRI / Fiduciary Duty in the 21st Century
“The six Principles were developed by investors and supported by the UN. They have more than 1,400 signatories from over 50 countries representing US $59 billion of assets.” Two pages.
More information at:
Correction: is US $59 trillion of assets.
‘Eric Usher On 25 Years Catalysing Change’, June 2017
“UNEP FI was able to show that financial institutions welcomed, indeed demanded action.”
Read at:
25 years since Rio 92.
According to this 2007 Annual Report
Fields of Interest Funds
Climate Change Solutions
Donors Supported Initiatives included:
Distribution of “An Inconvenient Truth” to schools throughout BC and Ontario.
Johana, this travesty of justice will be fully exposed. There are so many good people working together to tell the truth about industrial scale wind turbines in rural Ontario. Many more brilliant leaders are exposing the global warming/ climate change deception and Agenda 21/30 which resulted from the manipulation of data. This is how this whole horrible chapter of rural Ontario’s story happened. History will be written truthfully.
Stay positive.
There’s a whole bunch more unhappy people…
notice the “transfer of wealth” statement….heat stroke = hospitalization!!!
Especially seniors….
Good thing them hospital beds are all freed up from the closure of them coal plants… we’re gonna need them!!
Landlords can’t “eat” all of the increasing costs. One result can be letting rental property go down hill until the property becomes slum property.
Richard Mann
Dear WCO and others:
Has anyone heard from Huron County Health Unit?
An investigation into health impacts of wind turbines was initiated in March 2016. (Ontario’s HPPA, Health Protection and Promotion Act). Since then we have had one delay after another, and still no remedy for those living under turbines.
As of Aug 1, 2017, Erica Clark informed me they have heard back University of Waterloo ethics and are now planning another ethics application to address concerns raised. Meanwhile I have been told that all communications of the ethics board, including the names an positions of the applicants, is confidential.
I am asking for transparency, and for immediate action on this urgent health issue.
For further details, including correspondence and my own research on Infra sound and wind turbines, please see my web page below.
Richard Mann
Associate Professor, Computer Science
University of Waterloo
We finally have this statement for the residents of Huron County who are being harmed from the Huron County Health Board’s epidemiologist.
The ‘criteria for assessment’ was met to initiate an investigation in early March of 2016…17 months ago. The ‘investigation’ is now being called a ‘study’.
Status of the Huron County Health Unit wind turbine study
The wind turbine study is currently undergoing ethics review. Due to the sensitive nature of the information we intend to collect, ethics clearance is important to ensure the recruitment and data collection methods are ethical. We partnered with researchers from the University of Waterloo to do the study and submitted an application to the University of Waterloo Human Research and Ethics Committee. The application was submitted on March 2, 2017 and reviewed at the March 23, 2017 meeting. On April 5, 2017 we received a letter from the University of Waterloo Human Research Ethics Committee listing revisions and additional information required to receive ethics clearance. We sent a response back to the University of Waterloo Human Research Ethics Committee on May 18, 2017 detailing the changes we had made. The University of Waterloo Human Research Ethics Committee met in June and sent us a second letter on June 27, 2017 outlining additional revisions and requests for clarification. We sent a second response back to the University of Waterloo Human Research Ethics Committee on August 9, 2017. We are now waiting for a response.
We understand that it is a long process to get ethics clearance but it is a critical step to ensure that the recruitment and data collection methods are ethical.
Erica Clark, PhD
Epidemiologist, APHEO Secretary
Huron County Health Unit
77722B London Rd., RR #5
Clinton, ON N0M 1L0
519.482.3416 ext. 2022
Toll-free 1.877.837.6143
The present government has no intention of doing an IWTs health effects investigation, IMO.
Hospitals like the great STEG were told if they wanted cheaper hydro they should enroll into the FIT solar program and they would be able to make some money for their hospital to operate…
What BS!!!!!