October 15, 2018
Finch, Ontario — The Nation Rise wind power project, which received Renewable Energy Approval in May, poses a significant risk to people and the environment due to vibration connected to the construction and operation of the wind turbines, a geoscientist told the Environmental Review Tribunal when the citizen-funded appeal resumed today.
Angelique Magee said that the project area is located on the former Champlain Sea and the nature of the soils plus the presence of Leda or “quick” clay represents a “high potential” for landslides. She provided details of landslides that have occurred in Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec, including one that resulted in loss of life. She also recounted the story of the village of Lemieux which was evacuated due to risk of a landslide because of Leda clay and which subsequently did slide into the Nation River, causing a loss of land, killing fish and destroying fish habitat.
Leda clay is prevalent throughout the region, Magee said. The soil is such that when it is disturbed by vibration, it can become liquid, thus causing the landslides. The risk is high, McGee said, and would pose a serious risk to human health and a serious and irreversible risk to the environment.
She mentioned the fact that Eastern Ontario also has many earthquakes which would add to the risk, due to seismic vibration. She was asked if mitigation is possible, and answered that the proponent is supposed to identify all the wells in the project area, but has not fulfilled that requirement of the Renewable Energy Approval. “There is no assurance of the quantity or quality of water.”
The project area is situated on a “highly vulnerable aquifer” she noted and the wells serving homes, businesses and farms are often shallow or “dug” wells as opposed to drilled wells. The proponents’ information on wells is out of date, she added. The proponent’s lawyer, John Terry, asked if it isn’t true that there are many areas of vulnerable aquifers in Ontario. “Yes,” she responded “but it is important to consider local characteristics. In this case, that means the presence of the shallow wells, which would be affected.”
A third risk factor is the presence of karst topography which is characterized by fissures and can lead to contamination of groundwater in certain situations, construction vibration included.
The geoscientist was asked about the use of quarries in the proponents’ environmental assessment, which she said was not appropriate. The turbines would cause constant vibration, she said, which different from blasting occasionally.
When asked if the conditions of the REA would prevent harm, Ms Magee said, no. The measures proposed would not necessarily prevent a landslide or contamination of the groundwater, and the proponent has not conducted the proper identification of the water wells in the area, or done a proper assessment of the impact of seismic vibration on the soil and aquifer.
The only mitigation that would ensure no harm to people or the environment would be to not locate turbines in vulnerable areas such as this, McGee said.
In his cross-examination, lawyer Terry suggested that Magee’s interest was simply that she owns property in the Nation Rise project area, and her real concern was the value of her property. “My concerns are primarily based on geology,” she answered, “and yes, if the wind turbines affect the wells then I am concerned that homes will not be sellable.” Mr. Terry also tried to suggest that Ms Magee used Wikipedia as a source of information to which she responded that she used scientific studies and papers to prepare her evidence, the same papers that may have been used in the Wikipedia entry. She said, she may have used the Wikipedia entry I order to use language non-scientists could understand, she said.
The hearing continues October 16, and closing arguments will be presented in Toronto on November 23rd.

Richard Mann
Health harm has been documented in Huron County and elsewhere in Ontario. Our government refuses to stop turbines. http://cmajblogs.com/health-canada-and-wind-turbines-too-little-too-late/
Stan Thayer
Hey people what’s new. Justin Trudeau once said to a lady that she was simply not properly educated in the Liberal way. The Liberal educated idiots have managed to get Ontario to the brink of bankruptcy and many over educated idiots seem not to be able to understand what their stupidity and affluent arrogance has done to promote global warming way beyond anything me and my entire generation could ever have contemplated.
So what has this got to do with IWT’S!
The gas plants to back up the windmills have created a market for gas powered back up generators for everybody.
The Green Energy Act has backfired.
Damn you Kathleen Wynne.
How do you deal with stupid?
Stan the power man
Wind Concerns Ontario
Here is an excerpt from former Premier Wynne’s remarks on the Green Energy Act, just last week, October 22nd. “I hear the heckling from the other side, because they see it as good politics. But it is dangerous and destructive policy. [to repeal the Green Energy Act] These actions threaten our children, our grandchildren and our economy, which I would think is something that the party in power today would care about. Both the Green Energy Act and cap-and-trade were part of a coherent strategy and part of Ontario doing its part and leading the way, to pick up on what my colleague from Ottawa–Vanier said, in terms of the development of new, green, clean technology.”
It is impossible to explain to children what this government is doing. There is no rational way of saying that the health of the Earth is not important to the adults running the province. There’s no way to say that in a way that children can understand.