A doctor who denies health impacts and a connection to disturbed water wells, an industry insider, and a researcher who claims there is no association between wind turbine noise and adverse health effects, are all speaking at an international Wind Turbine Noise conference this week. Whatever will they say?
Tomorrow, June 13, at 0900 EDT, Dr. David Colby will deliver a presentation at the Wind Turbine Noise 2019 conference #WTN2019 in Lisbon, Portugal.
Dr. Colby, who is Medical Officer of Health for Chatham-Kent, where there have been allegations of contamination of water wells by particulate matter during wind turbine construction and association with vibration from turbine operation, is presenting a talk titled “Wind Turbines and Groundwater Contamination – an analysis.”
Dr. Colby told Chatham-Kent media that he was not travelling to this conference as a Medical Officer of Health, but rather as a private citizen, and paying expenses himself.
There are many concerns about Dr. Colby’s talk, not the least of which is despite the absence of an investigation into the allegations of contamination, which Chatham-Kent residents have been calling for, is that he has on more than a few occasions claimed there is no relationship between the wind turbine construction in North Kent and any changes in wells and the water supply.
In a story in Farmers Forum, in which MPP Monte McNaughton said the government has asked the Chief Medical Officer of Health for the province to look into the situation, Dr. Colby is quoted as saying there was “no evidence” of a relationship between the turbines and disturbed wells.
In an interview published today by the Chatham Voice, Water Wells First leader Jessica Brooks said that with dozens of wells now contaminated, patience with government inaction is waning.
According to research by Water Wells First, Brooks said, the black shale, contained in the water from the disturbed wells, is a material considered an Environmental Hazard in Canada because it has been shown the particles contain heavy metals such as arsenic, mercury, lead and uranium.
The toxins in the particles may become bioavailable when digested in stomach acid.
“A 2016 joint report between Cancer Care Ontario and Public Health Ontario acknowledged that Ontarians are in fact getting cancer each year from environmental carcinogen exposure. The report specifically acknowledged the heavy metal arsenic, which causes a cancer burden on Ontario’s beleaguered health care system each year,” Brooks said.
The content of Dr Colby’s address is unknown; however, he told Jessica Brooks earlier this year that he is simply reviewing publicly available information, including an analysis by Aecon, involved in construction of the North Kent wind power project.
Later tomorrow, Dr Colby is chairing a panel discussion titled “Impact on People.” He has testified as an expert witness for wind power proponents in the past during legal and quasi-legal proceedings.
Also presenting at this conference is Payam Ashtiani, whose firm Aercoustics boasts that it developed the compliance protocols for wind turbine noise for the (previous) government, and now regularly completes audits of wind turbine noise to assess compliance, and Dr. David Michaud (not a medical doctor), one of the authors of the Health Canada noise study.
Does anyone know what exactly this means?
“Payam’s favourite part of Aercoustics is the breadth of knowledge in the company that constantly allows for innovation and re-writing of the technical rules used in the industry.”
This is from Aerocoustics website.
Did he “re-write the technical rules used in the wind industry” so as to create a diminished result in the readings, thus invalidating the tonal noise experienced in real time by people reporting harm? By taking an average of the readings over time, was the bar raised for non-compliance declaration? Is this what Bill Palmer’s paper exposed?
I wonder what Dr. Colby and Dr. David Michaud would say about the developments in Germany?
Here’s an English translation re: harm to health from the article above:
“Citizens are also very concerned about the health impacts from infrasound generated by wind turbines, which experts claimed can have an impact 10 kilometers away.”
Actually Dr. Mariana Alves-Pereira, an expert on LFN and infrasound from turbines, has stated publicly that knowing what she knows about the harm to the nervous system and to the vestibular system, that is both cumulative and irreversible, she would not live within 20km from wind turbines.
How would Dr. Colby and Dr. Michaud respond to this?
Wind Wraith
So if Colby is going as a “private citizen” is he being referenced or at all referred to in the proceedings as MOH for Chatham Kent??? because that would imply otherwise.
Stan Thayer
This is how it works in the IWT business!
When you know the required results it is much easier to design the parameters needed.
Sometimes to achieve the proper formula an investigation is implemented to allow any good two faced politician to refuse comment on an, “ongoing”, investigation. This also allows time for engineering and Lawyers to prepare the needed committees for future release of information in a timely manner. When all involved have agreed on their profit margins and time lines the Ontario ratepayers will be notified. Yes, notified, not consulted, not included!
That’s how it works!
Richard Mann
While people are being harmed, politicians are arguing about “regulations”. Please read following article. See the comment on January 26, 2016 at 2:21 pm “Here is a list of 26 statements of adverse health impacts from Huron County.”