September 30, 2021 Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health was asked a question by media yesterday about disinformation on COVID vaccines to which he responded there will be a “vocal minority” in…

September 30, 2021 Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health was asked a question by media yesterday about disinformation on COVID vaccines to which he responded there will be a “vocal minority” in…
Weather-dependent wind power doesn’t stack up against other power sources and results in higher costs, uncertain supply, Judge says September 13, 2021 A decision rendered by the Minnesota Court of Appeals recently determined…
September 2, 2021 The failure of a wind turbine at the Bow Lake wind power facility near Sault Ste. Marie is raising questions about safety around the giant industrial structures and current Ontario…
As long as old regulations for wind turbine noise and setbacks remain unchanged in Ontario, anger is not going anywhere September 1, 2021 Former Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty is reported to have said…