Silence tells Ontario government North Kent well water problems after wind turbine construction have gone away: they haven’t November 22, 2022 Geologist Keith Benn, who was one member of an expert panel created…

Silence tells Ontario government North Kent well water problems after wind turbine construction have gone away: they haven’t November 22, 2022 Geologist Keith Benn, who was one member of an expert panel created…
Not enough information, not enough time to evaluate proposals, and it’s the same process as Dalton McGuinty’s say Ontario municipalities November 21, 2022 Ontario’s Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) has launched a series…
Citizens of rural communities know the truth about electricity bills, environmental benefits and promises of jobs, says energy commentator Robert Bryce—and they want no part of wind and solar power projects November 13,…
Community concerns for fragile environment upheld as Ford government seeks protection for the Alfred Bog in Eastern Ontario November 1, 2022 The Ontario government has posted a notice on the Environmental Registry that…