Wind power revenue is from the Global Adjustment subsidy, not actual power sales. Recent moves by government to cancel new contracts won’t get electricity bills down (but will stop them from going up)…
Some fights against industrial wind projects are over, but there is more work to be done The turbine built near historic Milford in Prince Edward County; citizens celebrated in the Milford hall yesterday. …
Good riddance to toxic Green Energy Act PostMedia September 21, 2018 OPINION By Lorrie Goldstein By scrapping the Green Energy Act, passed by former Liberal premier Dalton McGuinty in 2009, Premier Doug…
September 21, 2018 News report: CTV News In a shocking speech in Toronto this morning, Ontario Finance Minister Vic Fedeli said the provincial debt is $15B, a fact that was hidden from the…
September 20. 2018 The new Ontario government has cancelled the Green Energy Act in an announcement today, ending so-called “sweetheart” deals for expensive renewable energy that hiked consumers’ power bills and brought hardship…
“Friend against friend”: Of the 420 people on Amherst Island, 350 opposed the “Windlectric” wind power project, Farmers’ Forum reports. The result is a community ripped apart, that may never come together again…
Big Wind’s Canadian lobbyist is not letting the bad experiences in Ontario halt its “green” dream, and is now focused on Alberta. (And, it really really hopes Ontario forgets all the bad stuff.)…
August 5, 2018 Save Ontario’s Algoma Region or SOAR, has written to MPPs and ministers in the new Ontario government to call attention to the potential for negative environmental and economic impacts from…
(C) ONTARIO FARMER July 31, 2018 Report by Tom van Dusen Finch, Ontario — Sitting demurely and speaking quietly, on July 24 the volunteer president of Wind Concerns Ontario blasted the provincial government…
July 31, 2018 The Huron County Health Unit has released an interim report on its public health investigation into wind turbine effects, which was launched earlier this year. The investigation, approved by the…
July 13, 2018 The Ontario government just announced cancellation of renewable energy contracts for which significant contractual milestones had not yet been met. The move will save $790 million from being added to…