With potential new wind turbine proposals coming in the New Year, Ontario will make the same mistakes all over again without changes to important regulations for noise limits and setbacks December 18, 2024…

With potential new wind turbine proposals coming in the New Year, Ontario will make the same mistakes all over again without changes to important regulations for noise limits and setbacks December 18, 2024…
Keep city citizens thinking wind turbines are cute (and effective) and it’s OK to force them on rural residents The strategy is clear: pushing the image of wind turbines as benign hides the…
And why not? Nothing has changed. June 4, 2024 Two more Ontario municipalities have passed resolutions to declare themselves Unwilling Hosts to new industrial wind power sites, bringing the total to date to…
A letter sent in 2011 to then environment minister by the mayor of Amaranth requested action on negative impacts of wind turbines and a transformer, specifically greater setbacks. Nothing has been done. February…
Internal government documents show environment ministry was unprepared to take action on resident complaints about wind turbine noise November 28, 2023 The Nation Rise wind power project was controversial even before it began.…
Would you drink this? Arsenic, lead and mercury among substances found in North Kent well water September 7, 2023 It’s been years since wind turbine construction in North Kent, Ontario began, and several…
April 14, 2023 An academic paper delivered a few days ago at a conference in Sweden dealt with infrasound as produced by grid-scale wind turbines, and the negative consequences for health and the…
Wind turbine project approvals given by McGuinty and Wynne governments with no input from host communities: “mistakes were made” January 19, 2022 The special interest task force created by a group on Ontario…
Remarks not worthy of the position he holds, says former federal public health official December 5, 2021 “Arrogant” and insulting: that’s how Dr. Robert McMurtry, former Dean of Medicine at Western University and…
Just move—or maybe get tubes in your ears, family told by government officers April 23, 2021 Among the desperate complaint documents provided to us following a request for Ontario wind turbine noise complaint…
Complaint process for wind turbine noise inherited by the Ford government not effective April 12, 2021 Wind Concerns Ontario has just released its latest report on how the Ontario government has responded to…