This is a story provided by Wind Watch, which has access to a subscriber-only report from The Australian. Turbines may well blow an ill wind over locals, ‘first’ study shows Credit: By: GRAHAM…
Jennifer Paterson, Canadian Real Estate Wealth, December 18, 2014 A recent study by the University of Guelph, which found wind turbines do not have an impact on nearby property values, might have earned…
Detailed data in Health Canada study contradicts Ontario government claim 550-metre wind turbine setback is safe The results of a Health Canada study released November 6 show that Ontario is not protecting the…
The wind power development lobby group in Canada, the Canadian Wind Energy Association or CanWEA, funded a research project by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology/MIT on wind turbine noise and health. The “study”…
CMAJ November 28, 2014 Carmen Krogh, BScPharm (retired), is a peer reviewed IWT health researcher and former Director of Publications and Editor-in-Chief of the CPS. R Y McMurtry is Professor Emeritus (Surgery) of Western…
HEALTH CANADA NOISE STUDY A MISSED OPPORTUNITY TO FIND THE TRUTH Wind Concerns Ontario advises results summary and public pamphlet be withdrawn November 25, 2014 On November 6, 2014, Health Canada released its…
Epidemiologist Joan Morris, who holds a Masters of Science degree in community health and has been studying wind turbine noise independently for six years, was interviewed by Dale Goldhawk yesterday. The study team…
Wind turbine opponents question results of Health Canada study Patrick Raftis, Wellington Advertiser, November WELLINGTON CTY. – Wind turbine opponents are questioning the results of a federal study on wind turbine noise and…
Dr Robert McMurtry was interviewed by consumer advocate Dale Goldhawk on Zoomer radio yesterday. In uncharacteristically blunt speech, he branded the Health Canada wind turbine noise study (for which only a summary exists,…
Dr Robert McMurtry, companion of the Order of Canada, and former Dean of Medicine at Western University, has released this comment on the review of the Health Canada Wind Turbine Noise and Health…
The Manitoulin Expositor has published an article today on the Health Canada turbine noise study (which becomes more problematic with the analysis being done on it each passing day), repeating the federal government…