Janice MacKay, Blackburn News, November 10, 2014 The Chief Medical Officer of Health for Grey-Bruce has concerns about the Health Canada wind turbine study. Dr. Hazel Lynn says, for one thing, the study…
Following the release of the Health Canada preliminary, non-peer-reviewed summary of the results of its Wind Turbine Noise study on November 6, Wind Concerns Ontario has convened an expert review panel, and will…
Grey-Bruce Medical Officer of Health Dr Hazel Lynn commented Friday on the Health Canada turbine noise study, saying ” much more” work needs to be done, but the “preliminary” results show significant “annoyance”…
Health Board Says the Shirley Wind Project is a Health Hazard By Eric Crest. CREATED Oct 17, 2014 GLENMORE, WIS- This week the Brown County Health Board went on record declaring that wind…
“physical composition of inner ear drastically altered…” The Telegraph October 1, 2014 Camilla Turner Living close to wind farms may lead to severe hearing damage or even deafness, according to new research which…
Wind turbine woes September 2014, Farmers Forum Farmers Forum surveyed a big chunk of Wolfe Island residents and found that 75 per cent approve of or are indifferent toward the 86 wind turbines…
Just prior to the 2011 Ontario election, the Dalton McGuinty government announced a “moratorium” on offshore wind development. It was widely thought this move was to stave off any criticism (and lost votes)…
Judges quash majority of turbine appeal Setback issue to be argued Sept. 3 The Environmental Review Tribunal has ruled that only issues related to an amendment to the HAF Wind Energy Project will…
We have been following the South Branch wind power generation project for some time, as it is the first 3-MW turbine project to begin operation in Ontario—to be followed many others. Here is…
The wind “farm” or, as we prefer it, wind power generation project, in Brinston Ontario, is the first wind power plant to have 3-megawatt turbines operating … but not for long. Many of…
The review paper prepared by physicians Hazel Lynn and Ian Arra, and associates, is now available. The paper documents a review of previously published, peer-reviewed studies of turbine noise and human health, and…