Municipalities were forced to “host” wind power projects. Can’t happen again says WCO [Photo: Wind Concerns Ontario]
As of summer 2024, 157 Ontario municipalities have formally declared themselves Not a Willing Host to industrial wind power generation sites. This action stemmed from remarks made by Premier Kathleen Wynne just days after she became premier, in which she said she would not force wind power projects on communities that don’t want them. A letter from then Wainfleet Mayor April Jeffs started the Unwilling Host movement in 2013.

The Green Energy Act has since been repealed and municipal authority has been restored.

Ideas For Action

  • Council can pass bylaws related to noise, setbacks, and shadow flicker.
  • Councils can also refuse to grant business licences.

159 Ontario Municipalities Declared “Unwilling Host”

Effective September 2024, there are 159 municipalities that have passed resolutions to say they are not willing to host new industrial wind power sites.

With no changes to regulations for setbacks from homes or noise limits, municipalities simply feel they have no other choice.

The list of Unwilling Host communities is here: Unwilling Hosts sept 6

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