Wolfe Island a killing field for birds, White Pines high-risk for wildlife experts testify More stunning testimony yesterday at the White Pines appeal as an avian behavior expert spoke on reported bird fatalities…
This report from the Alliance to Protect Prince Edward County (APPEC), the appellant in the appeal of the White Pines wind power project approval, is just stunning: the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources…
For IMMEDIATE RELEASE JUDICIAL REVIEW OF WIND PROJECT APPROVAL PROCESS PICTON, ONTARIO. NOVEMBER 30, 2015. At the Ottawa Divisional Court, CCSAGE Naturally Green (CCSAGE NG) has filed notice for a Judicial Review of…
The long, long saga of the appeal of the Ostrander Point wind power project, in which members of the Prince Edward County Field Naturalists (PECFN) and the community fight to save the…
Motion filed asking Environmental Review Tribunal co-chairs recuse themselves Report on Environmental Review Tribunal Hearing on White Pines Wind Project Day Eleven of the Environmental Review Tribunal (ERT) on the White Pines…
Topsy turvy November 20, 2015 | Posted by: The Times Wind approval process puts responsibility on citizens, not the developer, to protect the County The thing that troubles Henri Garand about the Green Energy Act is…
For almost 30 years, citizens of Prince Edward County have been trying to get all three levels of government to come together and create a protected area for wildlife, in this Important Bird…
The MNR’s at-risk species expert is OK if turtles die; says “driver training” might help What the heck happened to Joe Crowley? Seasoned herpetologist, at-risk species expert for the Ontario Ministry of Natural…
We received word late last evening that Joe Crowley, at-risk species expert with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry is to testify at the appeal of the White Pines wind power…
Project contravenes development guidelines set by Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry and Environment Canada for protection of wildlife November 5, 2015 Report from the Alliance to Protect Prince Edward County on…
MNR biologist had concerns about nesting site and fatalities Simcoe Reformer, November 3, 2015http://www.simcoereformer.ca/2015/11/03/owl-nest-found-near-proposed-turbine-site-tribunal-hears A nest belonging to the endangered barn owl was found with an eggshell inside it next to a proposed…