IESO just released their January 2016 Monthly Market Report with details on electricity generated and demanded, along with prices and impact on ratepayers. It is interesting to compare January 2016 with January 2015…

IESO just released their January 2016 Monthly Market Report with details on electricity generated and demanded, along with prices and impact on ratepayers. It is interesting to compare January 2016 with January 2015…
Revisiting former energy minister George Smitherman’s claim Ontario’s Green Energy Act would only cost 1 % a year. He was off a bit. Shortly after former Energy Minister, George Smitherman introduced Bill 150,…
Wind power: unreliable, and costly Robert Hornung, president of the Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA), frequently uses the word “reliable” when expounding on the purported benefits of generating power from wind. Here are…
Electricity exports cost heading for $2 billion in 2015 The continued costs to Ontario’s ratepayers for the oversupply of electricity generation in Ontario continued in April 2015; we exported another 2 terawatts (TWh)…
Electricity Prices jump over 3,000 % in one hour Recent events evolving at the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) should make anyone familiar with the Ontario electricity sector and IESO’s forecasting ability very…
Selling off surplus power: Loss, loss, and more losses Ontario was once again busy exporting surplus power on the weekend of October 17-19. For every MWh (megawatt hour) we exported, we generated revenue…
Blowing Ontario’s ratepayer dollars Money lost in just one week could have paid for 580 nurses So far this October, Ontario’s electricity sector has been blowing our money away at an awesome pace.…