Cruel joke: Ontario’s 550 metre setback and government/industry notion that it is impossible to hear turbines past 1500 metres March 3, 2020 New research from Australia has been published in the Journal of…
Municipal officials told wind turbine noise no worse than barking dogs, no action planned December 16, 2017 The Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) position on wind turbine noise is…
This is a story provided by Wind Watch, which has access to a subscriber-only report from The Australian. Turbines may well blow an ill wind over locals, ‘first’ study shows Credit: By: GRAHAM…
CMAJ November 28, 2014 Carmen Krogh, BScPharm (retired), is a peer reviewed IWT health researcher and former Director of Publications and Editor-in-Chief of the CPS. R Y McMurtry is Professor Emeritus (Surgery) of Western…
HEALTH CANADA NOISE STUDY A MISSED OPPORTUNITY TO FIND THE TRUTH Wind Concerns Ontario advises results summary and public pamphlet be withdrawn November 25, 2014 On November 6, 2014, Health Canada released its…
We have been following the South Branch wind power generation project for some time, as it is the first 3-MW turbine project to begin operation in Ontario—to be followed many others. Here is…