NEWS RELEASE Municipalities call on Ontario government to make municipal support mandatory for wind power bids Plevna, June 15, 2016— Seventy-five municipalities have now endorsed resolutions that call on Ontario’s Independent Electrical…
North Frontenac Council requests municipal support be a mandatory feature of the bid process, and ask other municipalities to support them Kingston Whig-Standard, March 25, 2016 By Elliot Ferguson PLEVNA — A municipal…
North Frontenac missed the wind farm bullet this time but the community is taking no chances–it wants the unwilling host status to mean something to the Wynne government Press Release – Renewable Energy…
Kingston Whig-Standard, February 29, 2016 By Elliot Ferguson PLEVNA — North Frontenac Township is to appeal any large-scale wind energy project approved for the township. Township council agreed on Friday that an appeal…
..and maybe soon, 150 turbines… Residents of North Frontenac and Addington Highlands (also known as Land O’ Lakes area) have organized to fight the threatened 150-turbine wind power development by NextEra. NextEra is…
Frontenac News, June 4, 2015 Fears about declining property values, health concerns, and environmental protection were among the hot topics discussed at two meetings, a combined meeting of North Frontenac and Addington Highlands…