The Auditor General for Ontario noted in her recent report that the government has hidden costs of electricity, and not created a fair cost reduction plan. Cancelling wind power contracts would be a…
Former Finance and Energy Minister Dwight Duncan offers his opinion on Ontario’s debt and how it got to be so significant. He should know: a lot of it is his fault, including long-term…
Financial Post, December 3, 2015 ONTARIO’S POWER TRIP by Parker Gallant Almost a year ago Bonnie Lysyk, Ontario’s Auditor General, issued a report related to the “smart meter” program, estimating it cost double…
More from Parker Gallant on the pesky goings-on in Ontario’s power system. Oxymorons and the Ministries of the Environment and Climate Change & Natural Resources Renewable Energy Approvals (REA) for wind turbine…
Wind turbine woes September 2014, Farmers Forum Farmers Forum surveyed a big chunk of Wolfe Island residents and found that 75 per cent approve of or are indifferent toward the 86 wind turbines…