Contaminants of concern identified by expert panel; more well water samples needed to confirm health risk April 6, 2022 With two months to go before the 2022 Ontario provincial election, the government released…

Contaminants of concern identified by expert panel; more well water samples needed to confirm health risk April 6, 2022 With two months to go before the 2022 Ontario provincial election, the government released…
March 25, 2022 The lack of progress in protecting people who live in Ontario’s rural communities is highlighted in a news story out today in the Ottawa Business Journal. In spite of thousands…
Wind turbine project approvals given by McGuinty and Wynne governments with no input from host communities: “mistakes were made” January 19, 2022 The special interest task force created by a group on Ontario…
January 17, 2022 As dozens of families in North Kent, Ontario wait for a Ministry of Health report on why their water is black and gritty–and has been for years since a wind…
January 12, 2022 Monday and Tuesday this week saw the coldest temperatures yet for the winter season, with a low in Ottawa of -25 degrees C at 5 a.m. Ontario’s demand for electricity…
January 8, 2022 Former premier of Ontario Kathleen Wynne is not seeking re-election this coming June, after 18 years as an MPP, and five years as premier (2013-2018). She recently gave an interview…
January 2, 2022 In an editorial in the current edition of Environmental Disease journal, Dr Alun Evans, prominent physician and cardiologist, says it is past time for governments to act to protect…
December 7, 2021 The Ottawa Renewable Energy Co-operative or OREC recently bought an Ontario wind turbine project, along with equity partner EnerFORGE, a subsidiary of Oshawa Power and Utilities Corporation, according to…
Remarks not worthy of the position he holds, says former federal public health official December 5, 2021 “Arrogant” and insulting: that’s how Dr. Robert McMurtry, former Dean of Medicine at Western University and…
September 30, 2021 Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health was asked a question by media yesterday about disinformation on COVID vaccines to which he responded there will be a “vocal minority” in…
Weather-dependent wind power doesn’t stack up against other power sources and results in higher costs, uncertain supply, Judge says September 13, 2021 A decision rendered by the Minnesota Court of Appeals recently determined…