Wind “farms” will kill wildlife and scar the natural environment, but the government teaches children to protect it Wellington Times, July 10, 2015 With school children arrayed at his feet, Ontario’s environment minister,…

Wind “farms” will kill wildlife and scar the natural environment, but the government teaches children to protect it Wellington Times, July 10, 2015 With school children arrayed at his feet, Ontario’s environment minister,…
From The South Marysburgh Mirror, August 2014: “No” means “No” Two years ago on July 14th, 2012, in a secret ballot referendum sponsored by The Mirror, the citizens of South Marysburgh were asked…
Lake Superior. Montreal River Weather Radar Station, upper right corner. Foreground, ridge where wind turbines will be places for Bow Lake Wind Farm. Once again, we do not usually re-post from blogs but…