The need for mandatory community support and proper mitigation of harmful effects from wind turbines is acknowledged, but there is still no definition of who is “local” or a community, Wind Concerns Ontario…

The need for mandatory community support and proper mitigation of harmful effects from wind turbines is acknowledged, but there is still no definition of who is “local” or a community, Wind Concerns Ontario…
In this week’s edition of Ontario Farmer is an article by retired QC Garth Manning and Wind Concerns Ontario president Jane Wilson, advising landowners to get legal advice before signing any lease or…
Lawyer Garth Manning, a retired Queen’s Counsel, advises lawyers that their help is needed by clients considering signing wind turbine leases or options to lease. In an opinion piece in the current Law…
[Photo Clarkson University] Understanding the Varying Impacts of Cross-Border Wind Development Wind power is among the fastest growing energy sources in the world today, and is widely viewed as a substantial part of…
Don McCabe, who believes that what farmers do on their own land—never mind the consequences for neighbours and communities—is their business, has been acclaimed for another term as president of the Ontario Federation… September 23, 2015 A key point of contention against wind (and solar) farms is that they require much larger amounts of land to generate the same amount of electricity, an important downgrade…
We are re-posting this article which first appeared in Ontario Farmer: there is some confusion as to what the liabilities related to financing for landowners actually are. The “charge of lease” or “demand…
Ontario Farmer, June 2, 2015 Letter to the Editor I was glad that writer Tom Van Dusen chose the word “balance in his account of the recent wind power information event in Finch,…
Land owners need to be socially responsible when deciding to sign leases for wind turbines, Wind Concerns Ontario tells Ontario Federation of Agriculture president The following is a letter sent by Wind Concerns…
Ontario Farmer, May 5, 2015 by Garth Manning and Jane Wilson It came as a surprise to many in Ontario when it was revealed that the multi-national power developers behind the K2 wind…
Last week, news of a $1 billion “charge” on properties leased for the K2 wind power project was sent out throughout Ontario, by an individual who happened upon them at a registry office.…