Promoted as a way to improve efficiency and reduce wind turbine noise, an add-on device failed, causing a “catastrophic” incident. We have the details, including an engineering perspective. October 0, 2024 On June…

Promoted as a way to improve efficiency and reduce wind turbine noise, an add-on device failed, causing a “catastrophic” incident. We have the details, including an engineering perspective. October 0, 2024 On June…
Why? They already have wind turbines and they’re not happy. One of the hallmarks of the list of Unwilling Host communities in Ontario is the fact that all of these municipalities already have…
As IESO procurement set to launch, rural Ontario municipalities are saying, Not here!! Now at 157 In the absence of any change to Ontario’s regulations for setbacks from homes and noise limits for…
Minister confirms municipal support mandatory for new power projects to proceed Stephe Lecce, Ontario Minister of Energy and Electrification, announced today that the newest Request For Proposals from the Independent Electricity System Operator…
Figures presented show actual loss of $25 billion in property value for U.S. houses near wind turbines In March, 2024, the science journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences or PNAS, published…
A letter sent in 2011 to then environment minister by the mayor of Amaranth requested action on negative impacts of wind turbines and a transformer, specifically greater setbacks. Nothing has been done. February…
With the IESO looking for new power generation, wind power developers are on the lookout for willing landowners. January 25, 2024 Ontario’s Independent Electricity System Operator or IESO will soon be launching another…
January 18, 2024 Protect agricultural land, don’t reward non-compliant operators with new contracts, and insist on enforcement of noise regulations Wind Concerns Ontario tells IESO Protection of prime farmland for food is as…
New procurement announced, but difference from Green Energy Act is that municipalities now have final say in approvals of siting for projects, and can create bylaws for siting Turbines and transformer station at…
April 14, 2023 An academic paper delivered a few days ago at a conference in Sweden dealt with infrasound as produced by grid-scale wind turbines, and the negative consequences for health and the…
Community concerns for fragile environment upheld as Ford government seeks protection for the Alfred Bog in Eastern Ontario November 1, 2022 The Ontario government has posted a notice on the Environmental Registry that…