Wind Energy Queensland The Queensland Government’s own noise expert has warned proposed rules for wind farms in the State could cause public health and environment problems. Bryan Lyons, spokesman for the community-based Wind…
Canadian Lawyer, September 8, 2015 A few kilometres west of the eastern Ontario village of Consecon in Prince Edward County, on a narrow but busy stretch of road known as the Loyalist…
JOHN MINER | QMI AGENCY October 13, 9:52 PM Canadian Nuclear Association blasts wind energy green claim LONDON, Ont. — I’m green, you’re not. The battle to be embraced as the best environmental…
Deadly wind farms give bats “the bends” study says Western Morning News, July 23, 2014 Bats suffer from an airborne version of the diver’s condition known as “the bends” when they fly too…
The Fort William First Nation sought and won an adjournment in its fight against Horizon Wind’s planned wind power project in the Nor’Westers, until after the election. See the video interview of Chief…