Electricity exports cost heading for $2 billion in 2015 The continued costs to Ontario’s ratepayers for the oversupply of electricity generation in Ontario continued in April 2015; we exported another 2 terawatts (TWh)…
The Ontario government has expanded its program of deepening the urban-rural divide, and its campaign to destroy the social fabric in Ontario’s rural/small town communities, and is now encouraging dissent and argument among…
EDITORIAL: Peter Epp, QMI Agency, December 2, 2014 Several factors contributed to Ontario’s rural-urban divide, but perhaps the greatest has been the Ontario Green Energy Act of 2009, which continues to exclusively target…
HEALTH CANADA NOISE STUDY A MISSED OPPORTUNITY TO FIND THE TRUTH Wind Concerns Ontario advises results summary and public pamphlet be withdrawn November 25, 2014 On November 6, 2014, Health Canada released its…
Elliot Ferguson, Kingston Wig-Standard, November 12, 2014 KINGSTON, Ont. – One of the key experts backing opposition to a wind energy development on Amherst Island said a recent Health Canada study is more…
The Manitoulin Expositor has published an article today on the Health Canada turbine noise study (which becomes more problematic with the analysis being done on it each passing day), repeating the federal government…
Western University researchers calling on governments and wind farm developers to avoid feeding war of words 86 By John Miner, The London Free Press Wednesday, May 21, 2014 8:02:11 EDT PM In a…
Here from Ottawa-based energy economist Robert Lyman, a summary of the “hidden” costs of generating electric power from renewable sources…what the government has done over the past five years. THE HIDDEN COSTS OF…
Last week the wind power industry lobby organization, the Canadian Wind Energy Association or CanWEA, put out a news release stating that wind power ought to be part of every government’s (or governments-in-waiting)…
NextEra (famous for suing a young mother of two for using an adaptation of their name in her blog) is now suing West Grey for steps the municipality has taken to ensure the proposed wind power project meets community standards.
Plympton Wyoming community groups files a complaint with the Ontario Ministry of the Environment over its wind power approvals process, which it says is unfair, and limits access to the public for comment.