The Office of the National Wind Farm Commissioner recently released its first full Annual Report to the Parliament of Australia. In the Summary, the Commissioner reported: With regard to complaints received, our Office…
Ontario is paying too much for wind power, and it doesn’t help the environment anyway, says the Wainfleet Resolution. Reports of health effects worry Wainfleet Mayor. Erie Media, March 4, 2016 51 Ontario…
Ministry of Environment noise study for wind power project was done using average wind speed at a “particularly quiet site” says consultant hired by Kincardine: increase in sound from wind alone is “staggering”…
The health problems are real Falmouth, MA-area physician who specializes in psychiatry and who has training in sleep deprivation, Dr William Hallstein, has written a letter to local zoning officials. He urges…
fdlreporter January 24, 2016 Group says wind farm causing health issues Joan Lagerman likens the sound to “shoes in a clothes dryer,” or “someone shutting a dumpster lid over and over.” The…
Newer turbines proposed will actually increase sound power levels, Alderman says. “They’re walking all over us.” Erie Media, January 10, 2016 Ald. Betty Konc has requested a letter to be drafted from the…
Report on Environmental Review Tribunal Hearing on White Pines Wind Project December 8 On Day 19 the Environmental Review Tribunal (ERT) of the White Pines wind project heard the testimony of Dr.…
Report on Environmental Review Tribunal Hearing on White Pines Wind Project November 19, 2015 by Henri Garand and Paula Peel, APPEC On Day Nine, APPEC expert witnesses Richard James and Steven Cooper provided acoustical evidence…
July 3, 2015 Wind Concerns Ontario has prepared a brochure on the question of health impacts from the noise and sound emissions from utility-scale or large-scale wind turbines used to generate power. Scientific…
The Land, June 2, 2015 FEARS over adverse health impacts caused by wind farms are being heavily scrutinised during a parliamentary inquiry into the controversial renewable energy source. The Senate select committee inquiry…
Sydney Morning Herald, May 24, 2015 It seems the only thing colourful crossbench senator David Leyonhjelm hates more than red tape is wind farming. Despite typically being a fierce opponent of new government…