Join the WCO Community
Join us as we fight spin from multi-billion-dollar wind power developers. They’re here to make money, not fight climate change, improve the environment, or bring prosperity to your community.
Wind Concerns Ontario is the voice of opposition to invasive unreliable and expensive wind power generation projects in our communities, which damage – not help – the environment, harm wildlife, and add nothing to the economy.
“We know a lot more about wind power now than we did in the McGuinty-Wynne government years. We know now that wind power is a weather-dependent, out of phase with demand, land-gobbling, lower power density source of power generation. Ontario can do better to maintain and grow its mostly emissions-free grid,” says WCO president Jane Wilson.
“We will fight against the industrialization of our rural communities for an inefficient power source.”
“Resistance to turbines for health, safety and environmental reasons hasn’t let up. In fact, lobby group Wind Concerns Ontario (WCO) is revving up its opposition.” Ottawa Business Journal, March 24, 2022
Join now
Membership fees are to cover expenses such as our post office box, domain names, postage for documents, and more.
Fees for 2024 remain unchanged at:
- Individual: $15
- Family of 4: $25
- Group membership: $15 for each member of the executive or leadership group (please supply all names and contact info)
How to Join
Interac payee:
Cheque: Mail your cheque to Wind Concerns Ontario Inc. at our corporate mailbox:
PO Box 91047 RPO SIGNATURE CTR, Kanata ON K2T 0A3
(Please make sure we have your name and all contact information so we can keep in touch)
PayPal: Use PayPal quoting our payment email account: Link to PayPal