Studies Show Land-Based Wind Turbines Cause Property Values to Plummet; Wind Wise Massachusetts Claims Study Showing Otherwise is Misleading Published Monday, Sep. 16, 2013 FALMOUTH, Mass., Sept. 16, 2013 — /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — A national…
This report comes from the Chatham-Kent Wind Action group. Report on the Preliminary ERT Hearing of Platinum Produce vs South Kent Wind The second appeal of the South Kent Wind project began…
Although the wind turbine at Port Elgin erected by the Canadian Auto Workers has only been in operation for a few months, complaints of health problems from the environmental noise and vibration produced…
In spite of the fact that properties near wind power projects remain unsold, or take a long time to sell, and sell at reduced prices, the Ontario government, MPAC, and of course the…
Now that the media “Where were you when the lights went out?” pertaining to the black-out in north-eastern U.S. and Canada 10 years ago is over, we can take a look at what…
Wind Concerns Ontario received a letter from Elections Ontario today from Director Maria Martins, advising us that following a full investigation, which WCO cooperated with at every step over the last 20 months,…
Since being posted to our Facebook page earlier, as recommended by CCSAGE‘s Gary Mooney, it’s been recommended to get this article referenced on the blog too Industrial Wind Turbines – Watershed Magazine: It…