It’s all in the numbers: what is the real cost of wind and solar? [Shutterstock image] The ways wind and solar are costed ignores the real costs of their unreliability…and of getting rid…

It’s all in the numbers: what is the real cost of wind and solar? [Shutterstock image] The ways wind and solar are costed ignores the real costs of their unreliability…and of getting rid…
Eulogy for the wind power industry is premature … unfortunately. December 15, 2016 Parker Gallant in today’s Financial Post The Day Ontario’s wind tyranny ends, there will be dancing in the streets The…
The end of Ontario’s lifetime of economic progress… The Financial Post, May 17, 2016 To get an idea of what Ontario could look like a couple of decades out under Liberal energy minister…
The more wind power we add, the more expensive Ontario’s electricity becomes, say Tom Adams and Scott Luft Financial Post, March 17, 2016 The costs may be high and the need questionable, but…
Germany’s experiment with wind farms and solar power a failure Writing in the Financial Post today (not online yet), economist Brady Yauch says Ontario could have chosen a better model than Germany for…