From Randy Pettapiece, MPP:
Last week, my colleague MPP John Yakabuski tabled a bill entitled Energy Referendum Act, 2015.
If passed, this bill would mandate that local municipalities hold a referendum before large-scale renewable energy projects are approved so that residents are the ones who decide if these projects will go forward.
The bill can be viewed at:
Forced industrial turbines have been a serious issue in our communities, and I support MPP Yakabuski’s efforts to return decision making powers to municipalities and residents.
If you would like to voice your support for this bill, I have attached a copy of a petition that you can sign. I will be introducing all completed petitions in the Ontario legislature to send a strong message to the government.
Please return original copies of the petition to my office: 55 Lorne Avenue, Unit 2, Stratford, Ontario, N5A 6S4.
The petition can also be accessed on my website:
Randy Pettapiece, MPP
Phone: 519-272-0660
Toll-free: 1-800-461-9701
Wind Concerns Ontario: SIGN this petition ( you must sign a paper copy and MAIL IT) and forward to your municipal government representative as well. Return local land use planning to our communities.

Andy Brennan
Enough of this Hydro fooishness !
Question ……
I note that in the definitions sections of the Bill … “large-scale renewable energy project” means a renewable energy project permitted under the feed-in tariff program “….. This definition is problematic as the FIT program has been replaced with the LRP program. The contracts issued under FIT still need to be addressed but I would think that this Bill, if passed, would have no bearing on the LRP contracts soon to be awarded. ?
What becomes of the existing turbines and the people who are suffering? These people should be compensated.
These people should be given every penny made/wasted X 2 by the development of wits. The developers pay, as well as the people of Ontario pay for what they have done to rural Ontario. The people who voted Liberal into power, should be accountable for their actions. When voting Liberal these people should be aware of issues going on in the entire province of Ontario. Their greed and narrow-mindedness has hurt and caused the death of many rural Ontarians. This continues.
One should be required to pass a test about the issues of Ontario, to be eligible to vote; just as one is required to pass a test to get a driver’s license.
The Ministry of Education has set out guidelines whereby one does not need to be accountable to move forward. This is what society has become. exactly where the government wants them: dumbed downed and lead to the slaughter.
Hail Liberal…
Thanks for this astute analysis of the world of stupidity in which we now live.
I agree with Tracy that voting, like driving is a very dangerous activity. Voters MUST BE CERTIFIED that they know how to read and that they are aware of the UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES which result when they choose to turn right, or turn left or go straight ahead.
Here’s a job creation Idea which could be used everywhere in Canada: refresher classes in reading combined with understanding our electoral systems – municipal, provincial/territorial, and federal.
Who’s prepared to take on that monumental challenge?